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The City
The primary organisational components which define modern Birmingham are massive works of civil engineering. This seems to have been the case throughout history. The monolithic Brunel Viaduct, the link to the vast canal system which fed Britain’s industry to the ‘spaghetti junction’. The city has always been a place where the only permanence is movement.
The Site
The site has been grazed by many different forms of transport. Each have left their scars on a once useful site. The potential still exists for the site to again embrace it’s surroundings and allow the city centre to breathe.
Cedric Price
Birmingham’s continuous movement led me to the following C.P. quote in the Winter 2001/02 edition of GlasPaper
“ A progression of patterns but at any one time they are fixed...Lets take a wet sandy beach and you are in a car with patterns on the wheels. After you’ve passed over it the patterns are crisp in the sand. They should be blurred all the time but they are not. the wheel s moving and yet is leaves a static track in the sand, it isn’t a great smear. It leaves a pattern. And that is a moment in time.”